Additional $8 Million Available for Vermont’s Broadband Buildout
Funds Added as VCBB Completes Distribution of Nearly $245M from ARPA Montpelier, Vermont – Vermont Community Broadband Board (VCBB) is pleased to announce the availability of $8 million in additional funds for the state’s broadband buildout. The money is interest earned on initial American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) money that the General Assembly entrusted to…
NEK Broadband Receives a USDA Community Connect Grant for Groton as it Launches its USDA ReConnect Grant across 25 towns
Island Pond, VT – NEK Community Broadband dba NEKCV, a communications union district in northeast and central Vermont held an event on October 30th to celebrate four major grant awards: two from the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development (USDA-RD) and two from the Vermont Communications Broadband Board. Sarah Waring, USDA State Director for…
CVFiber Announces 500th Customer Connected
For immediate release, September 27, 2024 CVFiber reached a milestone yesterday as their 500th customer was connected to fiber-optic high-speed internet in the town of Worcester. Since the ribbon cutting ceremony celebrating their first customer, CVFiber has achieved a huge accomplishment of bringing service to 500 homes and businesses in one year. The focus of their…
Customer Maintenance Notification
We’ll be performing some brief maintenance on our systems throughout next week between the hours of 2:00 AM – 6:00 AM EDT. This maintenance is expected to last approximately 10 minutes while the system reboots. During this time, you may experience a short interruption in service if you are a NEK Broadband customer. We apologize…
Peacham Cafe Celebrates Becoming NEK Broadband’s 500th Customer
DANVILLE – A dream has come true for the little Cafe in the center of the village of Peacham. The new WiFi provided through NEK Broadband provides access to high-speed internet for customers and for those who don’t yet have it available at their home. According to Cafe board member, Betsy McKay, “This Cafe exists…
Customer Restoration Update (PM edition)
We want to provide an update after this morning’s fiber outage. With conduit repaired and new fiber placed, connectivity is expected to be restored this evening to customers connected to our Lyndon and Sutton cabinets. Throughout the day, we also learned that customers connected to the Waterford cabinet would be impacted due to this emergency…
NEK Broadband Customer Outage Notification
Town excavators hit our fiber this morning while trying to repair the damage on Shadow Lake Road in Waterford. As a result, the fiber connection was severed to the Lyndon and Sutton cabinets. Repair crews are being coordinated. We will update as soon as we have more information. Sincerely, The NEK Broadband Team
NEK Broadband and CVFiber Merge
Effective August 16, 2024, NEK Broadband & CVFiber have united resources, expertise, and a shared commitment to deliver exceptional high-speed internet services to our 71 communities. Working together, we will be better able to support economic growth, community development, and digital equity across the Northeast Kingdom and Central Vermont. Read the announcement here. Final Merger…
Customer Scheduled Outage Notification 8.15.24
A collapsing barn located at 1691 West Barnet Rd. in Barnet, is posing an immediate risk to our backbone fiber. Our crews are taking immediate action to reroute the fiber because of trees nearby. This will require a hot cut, a process to safely disconnect and reconnect the new route across the street. Customers across…
Request for Proposal: RFP NEK 2024-08
Environmental Review Please contact us at . for bid sheets, maps, etc. Maps are available to those who have returned a signed confidentiality agreement. RFP: NEKB Environmental Review Deadlines: Questions Due: 8/15/24 Answers Due by 8/19/24 Proposal Submission Deadline: 8/22/24
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RFP Announcements
Request for Proposal: RFP NEK 2024-08
Environmental Review Please contact us at . for bid sheets, maps, etc. Maps are available to those who have returned a signed confidentiality agreement. RFP: NEKB Environmental Review Deadlines: Questions Due: 8/15/24 Answers Due by 8/19/24 Proposal Submission Deadline: 8/22/24
Request for Proposal:
BEAD Grant Proposal Support Please contact us at . for bid sheets, maps, etc. Maps are available to those who have returned a signed confidentiality agreement. RFP: Bead Grant Proposal Support Deadlines: Questions Due: 1/21/2024 Intent to Respond is 1/20/2024 – optional – but helpful Proposal Submission Deadline: 1/24/2024
Request for Proposal: RFP NEK 2023-06
Fiber Distribution Construction Please contact us at . for bid sheets, maps, etc. Maps are available to those who have returned a signed confidentiality agreement. RFP: Fiber Distribution Construction Deadlines: Questions Due: 8/28/23 Intent to Respond is REQUIRED and is due by 8/28/23 Proposal Submission Deadline: 8/30/23
Request for Proposal: Contracted IT Support Services
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from qualified vendors to provide contracted IT support services for NEK Broadband.
Request for Proposal: RFP NEK2023-01
Underground Services for Customer Drop Extensions The purpose of this RFP is to compile a list of approved contractors that NEK Broadband can provide to customers who require underground work performed in order to complete their broadband installation. Approved vendors will be working directly with the customer for scheduling and billing. RFP: Underground Services Deadlines:…
Request for Proposal: RFP NEK2023-2
Permitting Services This RFP shall be for a project or series of broadband network projects on behalf of NEK Broadband. Chosen provider will be supplying NEK Broadband with permitting services needed over the next 12 – 24 months with potential renewals. RFP: Permitting Services Deadlines: Questions are due by 2/15/23 Intent to Respond is REQUIRED…
Press Releases
Additional $8 Million Available for Vermont’s Broadband Buildout
NEK Broadband Receives a USDA Community Connect Grant for Groton as it Launches its USDA ReConnect Grant across 25 towns
CVFiber Announces 500th Customer Connected
Peacham Cafe Celebrates Becoming NEK Broadband’s 500th Customer
Community-based Broadband Providers Propose Merger to Expand Access to High-speed Internet
NEK Broadband and North Country Career Center Launch New Job Training Program
200th Customer Connected at the Alden Balch Memorial Library in Lunenburg, VT
NEK Broadband Joined Senator Welch as He Unveiled a Bill to Extend the Affordable Connectivity Program for Internet Service
NEK Broadband Is Expanding Service to Over 700 Addresses in Parts of Seven Towns
NEK Broadband Offers Fiber-Based High-Speed Internet to Waterford Area Addresses
NEK Broadband Awarded Nearly $16M Construction Grant
RFP Posting: Fiber Construction (2022-13)
RFP Posting: Fiber Construction (NEK2022-12)
Media Release: NEK Broadband Lights up First Customer
Media Release: NEK Broadband Begins Fiber-Optic Network Construction in Concord
September Media Release
August Media Release
July Media Release