The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from qualified vendors to provide a bid for Fiber Construction. Proposal Submission Deadline: 4/11/2024.
2023 Annual Report
NEK Broadband has prepared and distributed an Annual Report and Budget for 2023.
CUD Legislative Day Recap
On January 31st, 2024, the Vermont Communications Union Districts Association (VCUDA) together with member CUDs from across Vermont convened at the State House in Montpelier for Vermont CUD (Communications Union District) Day. The day was established to raise awareness about the efforts to expand broadband internet access in Vermont.
VCUDA consists of ten CUDs, regional municipalities that have formed in Vermont to provide world-class broadband to unserved and underserved addresses in Vermont. VCUDA elected officers, CUD board members, partners, and staff participated in CUD Legislative Day to demonstrate their progress, express their gratitude, and submit their request to legislators for continued statewide support.
Vermont Communication Districts:
- Chittenden County
- CVFiber
- DVFiber
- ECFiber
- Lamoille FiberNet
- Maple Broadband
- NEK Broadband
- Northwest Fiberworx
- Otter Creek
- Southern Vermont Communications Union District

Throughout the day, VCUDA and CUD representatives attended various sessions including:
- Meeting with Speaker of the House, Jill Krowinski,
- Meeting with President Pro Tempore Phil Baruth,
- Providing testimony to the Senate Finance Committee,
- Meeting with Lt. Governor David Zuckerman,
- Attending the Senate Appropriations Committee discussion on the Budget Appropriations Act,
- Providing testimony to the House Energy and Environment Committee,
- Attending the House session where Rep. Jim Masland read the Resolution to recognize and honor the organizations and individuals working to resolve Vermont’s rural broadband access crisis.

Key Takeaways
Legislative Day demonstrated a collaborative spirit among the CUDs with optimistic growth as they head into 2024. The day allowed the CUDs to celebrate progress, share information, and rally support for ongoing efforts to improve broadband infrastructure throughout the state. Among the most notable conversations and key takeaways, this presence showed a joint effort and mutual understanding among the CUDs.
- When possible, CUDs will be working together to share limited resources as much as possible. As a result of a retreat CUD leaders participated in after Legislative Day, their focus included ways to be stronger together by sharing resources and working collaboratively. This applies to project management, HR, IT, grant preparation including BEAD and others.
- The Senate Finance Committee was very interested in the timeline and specifically asked for a project completion date. They had also noted the need for closely tracking this progress. Robert Fish, Deputy Director of the Vermont Communications Broadband Board (VCBB), provided assurances regarding accountable and transparent reporting. Since each CUD varies in terms of their maturity with ECFiber leading the way with its progress, an estimated completion date relies on several factors including funding.
- The Lt. Governor was very engaged in CUD progress and offered his continued help if any of the CUDs face any obstacles. He sees the CUD initiative being integrally connected to housing as the state’s population grows and people need broadband.
- Although the VCBB provides a regulatory role among CUD efforts, the CUDs are interested in collaborating more with the VCBB to pursue a mutually beneficial relationship with unified goals.

Thank you!
The day was a big success! We look forward to collaborating with our sister CUDs, legislators, and partners in 2024. A special thank you to our representatives and their continued support of our work.
Chittenden County CUD
House | |
Rep. Julia Andrews | |
Rep. Angela Arsenault | |
Rep. Alyssa Black | |
Rep. Tiffany Bluemle | |
Rep. Erin Brady | |
Rep. Jana Brown | |
Rep. Jessica Brumsted | |
Rep. Seth Chase | |
Rep. Brian Cina | |
Rep. Leonora Dodge | |
Rep. Karen Dolan | |
Rep. Rey Garofano | |
Rep. Edye Graning | |
Rep. Troy Headrick | |
Rep. Robert Hooper | |
Rep. Lori Houghton | |
Rep. Noah Hyman | |
Rep. Emilie Krasnow | |
Rep. Kate Lalley | |
Rep. Martin LaLonde | |
Rep. Brian Minier | |
Rep. Emma Mulvaney-Stanak | |
Rep. Kate Nugent | |
Rep. Carol Ode | |
Rep. Phil Pouech | |
Rep. Barbara Rachelson | |
Rep. Trevor Squirrell | |
Rep. Gabrielle Stebbins | |
Rep. Mary-Katherine Stone | |
Rep. Curt Taylor | |
Rep. Chea Waters Evans | |
Senate | |
Sen. Philip Baruth | |
Sen. Thomas Chittenden | |
Sen. Martine Larocque Gulick | |
Sen. Ginny Lyons | |
Sen. Dick Mazza | |
Sen. Kesha Ram Hinsdale | |
Sen. Tanya Vyhovsky | |
Sen. Irene Wrenner |
House | |
Rep. Peter Anthony | |
Rep. Melanie Carpenter | |
Rep. Conor Casey | |
Rep. Ela Chapin | |
Rep. Carl Demrow | |
Rep. Kari Dolan | |
Rep. Anne Donahue | |
Rep. Kate Donnally | |
Rep. Gina Galfetti | |
Rep. Kenneth Goslant | |
Rep. Rodney Graham | |
Rep. Philip Hooper | |
Rep. Saudia LaMont | |
Rep. Jed Lipsky | |
Rep. Kate McCann | |
Rep. Francis McFaun | |
Rep. Marc Mihaly | |
Rep. Joseph Parsons | |
Rep. Avram Patt | |
Rep. Henry Pearl | |
Rep. Larry Satcowitz | |
Rep. Thomas Stevens | |
Rep. Dara Torre | |
Rep. Chip Troiano | |
Rep. Jonathan Williams | |
Rep. Theresa Wood | |
Senate | |
Sen. Christopher Bray | |
Sen. Thomas Chittenden | |
Sen. Ann Cummings | |
Sen. Ruth Hardy | |
Sen. Jane Kitchel | |
Sen. Ginny Lyons | |
Sen. Mark MacDonald | |
Sen. Andrew Perchlik | |
Sen. Kesha Ram Hinsdale | |
Sen. Anne Watson | |
Sen. Richard Westman |
House | |
Rep. Michelle Bos-Lun | |
Rep. Nelson Brownell | |
Rep. Mollie Burke | |
Rep. Heather Chase | |
Rep. Sara Coffey | |
Rep. David Durfee | |
Rep. Leslie Goldman | |
Rep. Emilie Kornheiser | |
Rep. Emily Long | |
Rep. Michael Mrowicki | |
Rep. Logan Nicoll | |
Rep. Kelly Pajala | |
Rep. Mike Rice | |
Rep. Tristan Roberts | |
Rep. Laura Sibilia | |
Rep. Tristan Toleno | |
Senate | |
Sen. Brian Campion | |
Sen. Alison Clarkson | |
Sen. Brian Collamore | |
Sen. Wendy Harrison | |
Sen. Nader Hashim | |
Sen. Dick McCormack | |
Sen. Dick Sears | |
Sen. David Weeks | |
Sen. Becca White | |
Sen. Terry Williams |
House | |
Rep. John Arrison | |
Rep. John Bartholomew | |
Rep. Elizabeth Burrows | |
Rep. Tesha Buss | |
Rep. Coach Christie | |
Rep. Esme Cole | |
Rep. Peter Conlon | |
Rep. Mari Cordes | |
Rep. Carl Demrow | |
Rep. Kari Dolan | |
Rep. Anne Donahue | |
Rep. Caleb Elder | |
Rep. Bobby Farlice-Rubio | |
Rep. Kenneth Goslant | |
Rep. Rodney Graham | |
Rep. James Harrison | |
Rep. Rebecca Holcombe | |
Rep. Philip Hooper | |
Rep. James Masland | |
Rep. John O’Brien | |
Rep. Joseph Parsons | |
Rep. Monique Priestley | |
Rep. Larry Satcowitz | |
Rep. Heather Surprenant | |
Rep. Dara Torre | |
Rep. Kirk White | |
Senate | |
Sen. Christopher Bray | |
Sen. Alison Clarkson | |
Sen. Brian Collamore | |
Sen. Ann Cummings | |
Sen. Ruth Hardy | |
Sen. Jane Kitchel | |
Sen. Mark MacDonald | |
Sen. Dick McCormack | |
Sen. Andrew Perchlik | |
Sen. Anne Watson | |
Sen. David Weeks | |
Sen. Becca White | |
Sen. Terry Williams |
Lamoille FiberNet
House | |
Rep. Julia Andrews | |
Rep. Ashley Bartley | |
Rep. Lucy Boyden | |
Rep. Carolyn Branagan | |
Rep. Melanie Carpenter | |
Rep. Penny Demar | |
Rep. Kate Donnally | |
Rep. Edye Graning | |
Rep. James Gregoire | |
Rep. Mark Higley | |
Rep. Saudia LaMont | |
Rep. Jed Lipsky | |
Rep. Michael Marcotte | |
Rep. Avram Patt | |
Rep. Katherine Sims | |
Rep. Trevor Squirrell | |
Rep. Thomas Stevens | |
Rep. Theresa Wood | |
Senate | |
Sen. Randy Brock | |
Sen. Thomas Chittenden | |
Sen. Ann Cummings | |
Sen. Ginny Lyons | |
Sen. Robert Norris | |
Sen. Andrew Perchlik | |
Sen. Kesha Ram Hinsdale | |
Sen. Robert Starr | |
Sen. Anne Watson | |
Sen. Richard Westman | |
Sen. Irene Wrenner |
Maple Broadband
House | |
Rep. Joseph Andriano | |
Rep. Matthew Birong | |
Rep. Peter Conlon | |
Rep. Mari Cordes | |
Rep. Kari Dolan | |
Rep. Caleb Elder | |
Rep. Philip Hooper | |
Rep. Diane Lanpher | |
Rep. Jubilee McGill | |
Rep. Phil Pouech | |
Rep. Larry Satcowitz | |
Rep. Robin Scheu | |
Rep. Amy Sheldon | |
Rep. Thomas Stevens | |
Rep. Dara Torre | |
Rep. Chea Waters Evans | |
Rep. Kirk White | |
Rep. Theresa Wood | |
Senate | |
Sen. Christopher Bray | |
Sen. Thomas Chittenden | |
Sen. Brian Collamore | |
Sen. Ann Cummings | |
Sen. Ruth Hardy | |
Sen. Ginny Lyons | |
Sen. Andrew Perchlik | |
Sen. Kesha Ram Hinsdale | |
Sen. Anne Watson | |
Sen. David Weeks | |
Sen. Terry Williams |
NEK Broadband
House | |
Rep. Scott Beck | |
Rep. Scott Campbell | |
Rep. Bobby Farlice-Rubio | |
Rep. Mark Higley | |
Rep. Larry Labor | |
Rep. Dennis LaBounty | |
Rep. Michael Marcotte | |
Rep. Woodman Page | |
Rep. Henry Pearl | |
Rep. Katherine Sims | |
Rep. Brian Smith | |
Rep. David Templeman | |
Rep. Chip Troiano | |
Rep. Charles Wilson | |
Senate | |
Sen. Russ Ingalls | |
Sen. Jane Kitchel | |
Sen. Robert Starr |
Northwest FiberworX
House | |
Rep. Julia Andrews | |
Rep. Ashley Bartley | |
Rep. Lucy Boyden | |
Rep. Carolyn Branagan | |
Rep. Melanie Carpenter | |
Rep. Seth Chase | |
Rep. Penny Demar | |
Rep. Eileen Dickinson | |
Rep. Kate Donnally | |
Rep. James Gregoire | |
Rep. Lisa Hango | |
Rep. Mark Higley | |
Rep. Wayne Laroche | |
Rep. Josie Leavitt | |
Rep. Michael Marcotte | |
Rep. Christopher Mattos | |
Rep. Michael McCarthy | |
Rep. Michael Morgan | |
Rep. Thomas Oliver | |
Rep. Curt Taylor | |
Rep. Chris Taylor | |
Rep. Casey Toof | |
Rep. Matt Walker | |
Senate | |
Sen. Randy Brock | |
Sen. Dick Mazza | |
Sen. Robert Norris | |
Sen. Robert Starr | |
Sen. Richard Westman | |
Sen. Irene Wrenner |
Otter Creek
House | |
Rep. Joseph Andriano | |
Rep. Thomas Burditt | |
Rep. Tesha Buss | |
Rep. William Canfield | |
Rep. Robin Chesnut-Tangerman | |
Rep. Paul Clifford | |
Rep. Peter Conlon | |
Rep. James Harrison | |
Rep. Mary Howard | |
Rep. Stephanie Jerome | |
Rep. Eric Maguire | |
Rep. Patricia McCoy | |
Rep. Logan Nicoll | |
Rep. William Notte | |
Rep. Arthur Peterson | |
Rep. Mike Rice | |
Rep. Jarrod Sammis | |
Rep. Butch Shaw | |
Rep. Kirk White | |
Senate | |
Sen. Christopher Bray | |
Sen. Brian Campion | |
Sen. Alison Clarkson | |
Sen. Brian Collamore | |
Sen. Ruth Hardy | |
Sen. Dick McCormack | |
Sen. Dick Sears | |
Sen. David Weeks | |
Sen. Becca White | |
Sen. Terry Williams |
200th Customer Connected at the Alden Balch Memorial Library in Lunenburg, VT
NEK Broadband, providing internet built by a community based not-for-profit organization, is excited to announce a significant milestone with the acquisition of its 200th customer, the Alden Balch Memorial Library in Lunenburg, VT.
To mark this momentous occasion, NEK Broadband celebrated with the Lunenburg residents at the library on February 1st at 9:30 am. The event was held to express gratitude to other new customers in town and provided an opportunity for NEK Broadband to connect with community members.
Debbie Thomas, the librarian, expressed it this way, “This will be life-changing for Lunenburg residents for us to be able to offer high-speed reliable internet to the whole community.”
Christa Shute, CEO of NEK Broadband, expressed her own enthusiasm, “Reaching our 200th customer is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team, as well as the trust our customers place in us. We are thrilled to celebrate this milestone and look forward to providing exceptional broadband for years to come.”
Since 2021, NEK Broadband has been building a new high-speed fiber optic internet network with a commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.
NEK Broadband Joined Senator Welch as He Unveiled a Bill to Extend the Affordable Connectivity Program for Internet Service
NEK Broadband, a leading provider of high-speed internet service in the Northeast Kingdom, joined Senator Welch (D-VT), a co-sponsor of the ‘Affordable Connectivity Program Extension Act of 2024’, and others in support of this bill.
The extension would provide $7 billion for the Affordable Connectivity Program. This effort is pivotal to ensure affordable and reliable internet access is accessible to all. Without congressional intervention, the ACP’s current budget will be exhausted by the end of April amid rising demand for benefits.
The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), championed by Senator Welch, is an urgent initiative designed to make broadband services more affordable for low-income households. NEK Broadband recognizes the importance of connectivity in today’s digital age and is committed to supporting this program to enhance accessibility to the internet for under-served communities.
“Access to affordable and reliable internet is crucial for education, telemedicine, job opportunities, and overall community development. By working together, we aim to make a meaningful impact in closing the digital divide and ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to thrive in the digital era,” said Christa Shute, CEO of NEK Broadband. “As the most rural Communications Union District in Vermont, including three of the four counties with the lowest per capita income” noted Shute, “reducing the cost of maintaining internet service is vital. This important act to extend the Affordable Connectivity Program will provide time to create more lasting solutions.”
“The ACP is critical for rural Vermont. Losing it would leave these Vermonters in digital darkness. These areas are not served today because it is too expensive, and existing providers would lose money. The cost to serve these rural areas is five times what it costs to serve existing areas. These areas also have significantly higher numbers of low-income families,” according to Christine Hallquist, Executive Director of the Vermont Community Broadband Board.
“Access to high-speed internet isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. And staying connected has never been more important, especially for rural communities here in Vermont,” said Sen. Welch. “It was great to speak with broadband leaders and community action agencies that have played a crucial role helping families take advantage of the Affordable Connectivity Program about the importance of extending this program, which has made broadband affordable for more than 25,000 Vermont households in just two years. We are grateful for the support and dedication of these agencies and leaders in helping Vermont families access high-speed internet. Folks in Vermont and across the country rely on a strong internet connection every day, and now they’re relying on Congress to pass the Affordable Connectivity Program Extension Act.”
This collaboration exemplifies the power of public-private partnerships in addressing critical issues such as digital inclusion. NEK Broadband looks forward to working closely with Senator Welch and other stakeholders to create meaningful and lasting impacts on the communities it serves.