We have an outage affecting approximately 125 customers in the Lyndon, Sutton, Wheelock, Kirby, St. J, and Danville areas, as well as small parts of Walden, Burke and Concord that began at 9 am today. Yesterday’s torrential rains devastated the area with homes and roads being washed away and literally into the backbone of our fiber network. Today’s emergency cleanup and excavation work is impacting fiber service. Our crews are working to determine solutions as the infrastructure (poles) itself is no longer in place.
We are diligently working on getting service back up and running as quickly as possible – however the area has suffered major damage and we do not currently know the restoration time. Our website and social media will be updated as progress is made. Potentially impacted customers will also receive email notifications with updates. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
HERE is a link to the area where the fiber has been cut.
The NEK Broadband Team