In the next week, the state operated Vermont Community Broadband Board (VCBB) is seeking public input to guide how they will allocate 150-250 million dollars for fiber-optic fast internet development in Vermont.
By next Tues, June 20, VCBB needs to hear your story of how you have coped with your internet situation and that you want fiber internet developed by non-profit Communications Union Districts (CUDs) like NEK Broadband, not corporations. That way, the infrastructure will be publicly owned (you have a “say” because our Board is made up of town Reps) and any “profits” will go to expanding the network and making it more affordable, not to shareholders. NEK Broadband is also the only entity committed to getting broadband access to every household in the NEK and Wolcott – not just to profitable customers.
Can we count on you to express your support for NEK Broadband – your CUD – by communicating to the VCBB? Please write a quick email (to ), make a quick call (802-622-4496) or attend an in-person or virtual listening session that VCBB is sponsoring before June 20th! Questions? Email us at
Here are some talking points:
- Express support for the communications union district, stakeholders – not shareholders.
- Share your story of your experience with internet in the NEK
- Give any ideas you have of how to make internet more accessible to everyone, especially those from disadvantaged groups (because of ability, language barriers, etc)
Here are the options to give input into the process:
- write an email (send to ),
- Answer an extensive survey of questions from VCBB
- call VCBB (800-622-4496) or 802 261 5756
- Virtual meeting is Thursday 6/15 at 6:30pm.
- Attend an in-person session in Newport or Burke:
- The Newport event is on Monday June 19th from 6:30-7:30pm at the Goodrich Memorial Library (202 Main St./US 5, Newport, VT) $20 gas card and food
- The Burke event is Thursday June 22nd from 6:30pm to 7:30pm at the Burke Community Building (212 School Street, West Burke, VT) $20 gas card and food